Thursday, November 21, 2024

Fun with Scrapbooking Tic Tac Toe - can you see the inspiration?

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn.

Today is Scrapbooking Global day!! Each month we share some great inspiration for you1!  

This month's challenge has been set by the fabulous Sherry Roth who does extraordinary scrapbooking!
This month it is Tic Tac Toe Board, which you choose your own adventure. Diagonally, Straight through the board from left to right or right to left or choose the middle lines. So Tic Tac Toe Boards are a FUN way to incorporate a couple of different elements on your scrapbooking layout to give yourself a challenge.

Soooo, can you see where my inspiration has come from?  I've gone for the first column on the left - splatter, green (of course) and torn paper!! This is a match made in heaven for me!!  teeheee

I looooove the two tone paper - it tears beautifully AND you can flip the paper to get 2 different tones of the same colour!!  Love love love!!  And it's green - total love too!!  

And splatter is just a BRILLIANT way to add extra vintagy texture and stampingness to a page!  

I'm also featuring the gorgeous Autumn to Remember Workshop Scrapbooking kit combined with the stunning Autumn to Remember stamp set - look at those wonderful leaves!!  

I just love how this page came together!!  I love all those stickers and die cuts from the workshop kits - it makes putting together a page sooooo much quicker!!  

I really hope YOU are inspired to try this!!  
Make sure you keep hopping to see lots of AMAZING projects!!

Scrapbooking Tic Tac Toe Autumn to Remember


  1. Oh such a pretty stamped background with the Autumn to Remember stamp set, one would think it is printed paper. The two tone card stock looks great torn to show both colour sides as well as the white core, it fits in so beautifully with your layout.

    1. Thankyou so so much Maz. Yes, this two tone paper is sooo much fun to use!!

  2. Julia I bet you were in heaven when you saw green in the tic tac toe board <3 Those torn edges on your papers look so good, love myself a bit of tearing too <3 AND everything looks better with splattering... Love everything about your layout <3
    We were in sync again this month of our choices <3 Cheers Shaz

    1. hahah oh yes, I really WAS!! And we are so in tune!! Thankyou so much

  3. I love this so much! The torn edges of the two toned cardstock adds so much interest and texture to the layout. And that maple leaf stamped image is one of my all time favourites! Beautiful!!

    1. Thankyou!! Yes, that leaf stamped is really really gorgeous!!


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Layout Inspiration CTC#512

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Tonight you get to enjoy our amazing CASEING the CATTY blog hop.  To CASE is to Copy And Share...
