Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Amazing Colours again at Colour INKspiration #31

Hello and Welcome to Colour INKspiration and our fabulous adventures with colours!!
Image may contain: food

Our colours this week are really impressive. They are:  Old Olive, Cajun Craze, Crushed Curry, and Tempting Turquoise.  

Our family was privileged to go and see Aladdin last weekend - and these colours really reflect that amazingly colourful and vibrant musical!!

My project however, is nothing like that!!  😊

I've used these colours to help me create an awesome project I will be doing at the nursing home next week.  The brief is to create some tags that the residents can then give to the school children who visit them as a way of saying 'thankyou for caring for us'. 

 I have water coloured (using the challenge colours) and cut the main images, and the elders will them assemble and stamp greetings to create the tags. 

I didn't photograph the reverse of the tags, but it features the lovely saying from Dragonfly Dreams - 'thankyou for the smile and everything else'. 

I've used the super fun set Magical Day and the coordinating Magical Mates framelits for the feature characters.  I think the little year 1 kids will really enjoy these!!  
(Actually, I'm pretty sure the elders will love them too!!!)

After working with children AND the elders, I just KNOW they will all love the glimmer paper!!  Sparkle makes everything perfect!!

This project actually uses lots of different framelits and punches!!  
Stitched Shapes, Layering Circles, Magical Mates framelits, and
Starburst, Duet Banner, Triple Banner Punch and also the Lovely Label punch (which is on the reverse side).

Amazingly these colours really work well together with such vibrancy and fun!  
(Working with bright colours really is a challenge for me!!)

I really hope you will join in the fun of the challenge too, and that you enjoy the amazing inspiration of the design team - so much talent and cleverness to enjoy every single time!!  Keep hopping all the way, and up next is the amazingness of Nicole Wilson and her wonderful interpretation of these colours.

We'd love to see what you come up with using these colours too!  Add your project to our lineup on our facebook challenge page here!!

Until Next Time,
Happy Stamping,
Love Julia   x


  1. What a super lovely gesture Julia. I adore what you ahev careted for these elders to give to the kids. Fantastic idea and so well made x

    1. grrr typos have & created ... my apologies.

    2. I can soooo relate to the typos!! teehee.
      Thankyou so much for your lovely feedback!!

  2. THEY ARE AMAZING. What a lovely project, I think your'e incredible working with both end of the age spectrum at the same time. I bet it's a very enjoyable project for all concerned, you've thought of everything

    1. THank you so much Liz. It's actually very similar working with little kids and elders - they all need lots of encouragement and praise!! Like all of us really. :)

  3. What a beautiful project you've prepared for the 'elders'. They should enjoy putting those together for the children.

    1. THank you Rachel - hopefully they enjoy it - it's a bet less creative for them than usual, but still lots of skills to get those fingers and brains working!!

  4. You are amazing! these tags are adorable and the residents and the kids will love them! X

    1. THank you NIcole, yes, I agree, I think they'll love the cuteness!!

  5. Great creations, Julia. The Residents and children will have such a special moment when they visit. What a lovely gesture from you. I will miss thiss Bundle. D xox

    1. Thank you Denita, yes, I've loved this bundle too!!


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Scrapbooking using Memories and More cards

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Today, I'm keen to share some Scrapbooking Inspiration with you!!   Our Blog Hop is anythi...
