Thursday, March 08, 2018

Thank you so MUCH!!

On 24th February, these wonderful crafting friends spent the day with me creating!

We had such a lovely time, and I'm so very grateful you could all share the day with me. 

We were treated to some really delicious food and looked after so well all day long!

The weather was a bit rainy, but it did not stop all of us from really enjoying the great projects and fun sharing.

Here are the 10 projects we created!

Thank you again, and I'm really excited for our next day together - hopefully in June!!  

Until Next Time
Happy Stamping,
Love Julia   x


  1. How fun and what terrific cards you made! I'm going to have to CASE!

    1. Thank you Cindy! Case away, and enjoy! We had a great time creating these cards!!


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Blue Blue Hydrangers for CI#183

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Tonight I'm joining in with the Colour INKspiration crew and our awesome colour combinatio...
