Saturday, December 09, 2017

Save the DATE!!!

Hello my craft friends,

I know this is the SUPER BUSY season, but I have some fantastic news for your plans for 2018!!  Make sure you block our your diary now!!  I have booked the Rotary Garden Village Clubhouse on Windsor Rd, Burnside for Saturday 24th February 2018 from 9am to 3pm for our first Cardmaking Retreat day with Julia for 2018.  

I really hope you can come along and join in the fun with fantastic projects and wonderful sharing with friends and other crafty folk!!  Please feel free to bring along any friends, and pass on the registration information to them.  

The focus for this day will be using new products from our NEW Occasions Catalogue AND the Sale-a-bration Catalogue - so exciting.  My preorder arrived yesterday and my head is swirling with ideas already!!  It will be WONDERFUL to share these ideas and projects with you and spend some time together being creative.  

I hope to hear from you very soon!!

Until Next Time,
Happy Stamping,
Love Julia   x

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Blue Blue Hydrangers for CI#183

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Tonight I'm joining in with the Colour INKspiration crew and our awesome colour combinatio...
