Sunday, February 12, 2017

So Very Much CTC#115 - Saleabration Love

Hello and Welcome to another fun and inspiring Sunday Night Blog Hop!

This week, we are featuring our stupendous Saleabration Catalogue, and in particular, we are CASEing (Copy and Selectively Edit) from pages 8 - 11.
And I've been inspired by the projects on page 8 AND 9, and my creation is a mish mash of several elements of these projects.

First:  I wanted to use So Very Much - that gorgeous big thank you in particular....
Second:  I wanted to dabble with the Delicate Details stamp with the lace trims,
Third:  I really love this gorgeous card that features the lovely lace framework on the right below.
So that's where I started,
the 'thank you' image is way way too big for this lovely layout and then the
 lace trim frame was  NOT successful
When I put it together, it covered ALL of the gorgeous Falling in Love DSP 
- so that  was not going to work .....
(my piece of DSP is now waiting for another project).

So back I went to the page 8 images and used the quick and easy card on the right as my starting point -
and my compromise was to use the lacy bits on the side, and just frame the thank you.
It looked a bit plain, so I added some texture with the Hexagon dynamic embossing folder and a little wrapping of the Saleabration gold Metallic Ribbon

What do you think?
After all that evolution of creation, I'm rather happy with the final result 
- but that could be the result of lots of angst and trial and effort, and I was just totally happy to have a card at the end of the journey!!!
(smile teehee)

Now, you get to see the oh-so-beautiful card created by Mel - just click on the 'next' button to see the awesome work of the design team as you jump, hop and skip around our blog hop.!!

We'd love to see your awesome CASE of the Saleabration Catty too, and your take on the great projects featured on pages 8-11.  Join in the fun using our facebook link challenge group.  Every week, there are some truly fabulous projects - it's wonderful to check them all out to be inspired over and over again!!

For the complete list of the design team and their posts this week, head on over to our blog headquarters.  
See you next week!  

If you would like to see all the catalogues and supplies,click here to head on over to my online store and check out the catalogues or place your order so you can create your awesome projects too!! (Australian residents)


  1. I love the lace on the sides. It looks so pretty.

    1. Thanks Rebecca. I think it looked pretty cool.

  2. A beautiful Card Julia - I love it!

    1. Thank you Mel. It turned out pretty good at the end!

  3. Replies
    1. Thankyou Cheryl. Yes, it did turn out well in the end.

  4. Replies
    1. Thankyou! I love the combination of very vanilla and soft suede.

  5. Beautiful card Julia, I love the colour combo and the embossing folder really adds some nice subtle texture.

    1. Thankyou Monique. I'm so glad it turned out well!


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Blue Blue Hydrangers for CI#183

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Tonight I'm joining in with the Colour INKspiration crew and our awesome colour combinatio...
