Wednesday, February 08, 2017

I want to Celebrate my Birthday with you too!!

I reached an awesome milestone earlier this week!!  50!  eeek!
I've received so so so many beautiful and awesome cards and wishes and SO MUCH love

for all your gorgeous thoughts and love. 
 It's been truly marvellous and joyful and very uplifting!!

because I've been so very blessed, I want to play it forward.

To celebrate my birthday month of FEBRUARY,
Anyone who places an order 
of $50 or more with me or through my online store,
will receive a gift from me 
of these totally gorgeous Lace Doilies - 
and believe me, they are just BEAUTIFUL!!

jump onto my online store HERE 
or email me HERE
to spend your $50 and receive your free gift from me.  

Of course, if you place an order of $90 or more,
you will ALSO receive 
a FREE gift from the Sale-a-bration lineup
(As well as your lace doilies from me!)

I hope to hear from you very soon!

If you would like to see all the catalogues and supplies for these projects,click here to head on over to my online store and check out the catalogues or place your order so you can create your awesome projects too!! (Australian residents)

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