Sunday, September 18, 2016

Stampin' Up! Star of Light big shot project for CTC#96

Hello and Welcome to another Sunday Night Blog Hop where we CASE the Catalogue and share our inspiration with you!!  This week, we are CASEing the Holiday Catalogue, and in particular 
pages 8-11.

For the complete list of the whole design team, you can click here on the graphic, or just keep hopping all the way through the whole design team and see the fantastic projects and ideas offered by all of us.  

I've been inspired by this lovely gift bag on the left, and made it into a card.
I've kept to the same layout, only changing a couple of colours.  The DSP under the star comes from This Christmas Specialty Designer Series Paper, and I've coordinated this lovely cherry cobbler with crushed curry.

Now it's time for you to keep hopping all the way through the team - and enjoy!!


And then you can join in the fun and enter our monthly challenge by using this link below.

For the complete list of the design team, head on over to the CASEing the Catty Blog.


  1. Ooh! Cherry Cobbler with Crushed Curry, I think I love this colour choice!

    1. THank you Deb, yes, I agree, it does look pretty vibrant!

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks Rebecca, I love the stars too and the sentiments in this set are totally divine too.

  3. This is so lovely Julia. The colours are great! Kelly x

    1. Thank you Kelly, yes, these colours are pretty cool.

  4. What an absolute WOW of a colour scheme! It's quite eye catching, I like it lots.

    1. Thank you Rachel, it's really bright in real life too!

  5. Julia your card is lovely - your colour combination is so unusual for Christmas but it works so well and looks so regal.

    1. Thank you Liz, I love that you think it looks regal!

  6. Great CASE, Julia. The Cherry Cobbler background really makes it pop.

    1. THank you Judy, yes, I love the addition of the Cherry Cobbler too.

  7. This bundle arrived at my home this week and I inspired by this card.

    1. Thankyou Kathryn. I love this bundle too.

  8. Great colour combo. Love the stamping on the cherry DSP, subtle but effective.

    1. Thankyou Krissy. The card looks so bright in real life.


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Scrapbooking using Memories and More cards

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Today, I'm keen to share some Scrapbooking Inspiration with you!!   Our Blog Hop is anythi...
