Monday, December 21, 2015

Going Global with Number of Years

In the middle of all the pre-Christmas craziness, we had the great fun of going to a 21st birthday party for a lovely friend.  Here's his card - a box card featuring two of the gorgeous new stamp sets featured in our new Occasions Catalogue.  Be sure to let me know if you wish to have a copy of this new catalogue!!!  


  1. Julia I just found this on Pinterest. It's FABULOUS! you're very clever. Love it and will definitely CASE you!!!!

  2. What a shame you haven't got a tutorial for this one. It's awesome.

    1. Hi Andrea, there is a tutorial for this type of box card on another of my posts!! But the basic box is: 21cm x 14.5cm and scored along the long side at 5cm, 10cm, 15cm, 20cm. On the short side it is scored at 7cm. You snip up to the 7cm score line at each of the 5cm segments along the long side. Fold up the box into a tube shape and adhere along the 1cm strip. I made a couple of folded pieces to place inside the box which measure 5cm x 9cm and these are scored at 2cm and 7cm. Adhere these inside the box to create the bars to attach any embellishments. I sincerely hope this helps you.


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Blue Blue Hydrangers for CI#183

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Tonight I'm joining in with the Colour INKspiration crew and our awesome colour combinatio...
