Friday, August 21, 2015

In Colours blog hopping

Welcome back for another week of CASEing the Catty Blog hopping where we hope to inspire you with projects using only the new In-colours from our Annual Catalogue.  

Now, whether you've arrived here from Stasia's Incolour project or you are starting here you are so very welcome as we COPY And SHARE Everything for you creative enjoyment.  

I was so inspired by our chapter from Artistic Expression that I've CASED the design from page 118 of the Catty, inserting Mint Macaron and Delightful Dijon as my In-colours for this hop!!

And I've used both of those colours for a different card base for each of my cards 
- which is your favourite?  

Now it's time for you to hop on over to Elizabeth and her In-colour project and enjoy the rest of our In-Colour blog hop!!  

CASEing the Catty and if you get totally lost, you can click here on the blog graphic to see the list of all the design team members and their gorgeous In Colour projects!!  See you again next week!!!


  1. Stunning, Julia! This is my favorite style of card and you have done it beautifully! Thanks for inspiring.

  2. Both are gorgeous, can't decide which one I like better! Think I like the mint macaron with its softness, then I look at the Delightful Dijohn and it has such appeal!, You've done great job showcasing how colour can change the feel if a card?

  3. I love these cards! I think my favourite is the first one. Beautiful job! :)


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Blue Blue Hydrangers for CI#183

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Tonight I'm joining in with the Colour INKspiration crew and our awesome colour combinatio...
