Friday, December 13, 2013

Scrapbooking Marathon

Every year, at this time of year, I do a Scrapbooking Marathon to complete projects and gifts that I give to friends and family for Christmas.  So.....  the next few days and posts will be ALL about scrapbooking with lots of ideas and styles sourced from all over the place.

This one is an Altered Canvas using strips of DSP, Washi Tape, ribbon and some glimmer paper for some cute sparkly embellishments!  The background of the canvas has been sprayed with a combination of Chocolate Chip reinker, some smooch spritz, and some glimmer mist.

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Blue Blue Hydrangers for CI#183

Hello and Welcome to Handmade by Julia Quinn. Tonight I'm joining in with the Colour INKspiration crew and our awesome colour combinatio...
